The Hidden Danger of Wearing Hair Claw Clips While Driving

Why You Should Avoid Wearing Hair Claw Clips While Riding in a Car

Women are increasingly wearing hair claw clips as accessories. If you wear these hair accessories while driving, you may not realize how dangerous they are. The wearing of a hair claw clip during a car accident has recently been shared by women who have experienced devastating consequences. During an accident, the clip may become a projectile, which means it may continue to move by its own inertia, resulting in severe head injuries. Staying safe on the road requires knowledge of potential hazards and how to avoid them. 

Risks Related to Wearing Hair Claw Clips While Riding in a Vehicle

Wearing Hair Claw Clips While Driving

Despite their apparent harmlessness, hair claw clips present a serious safety risk when worn in moving vehicles. Drivers and passengers can be killed when the clip embeds in their skulls during a collision. As a result of a sharp turn, a claw clip was thrust into the scalp of a woman who experienced a sharp turn.

One woman’s claw clip became lodged in her head after a car accident caused the clip to smush into her head, where it was removed by a medical professional. A 11-inch gash was left on her scalp as a result of the clip. 

In order to minimize this risk, it is a good idea to take off your hair accessories before driving. Keeping an eye out for these potential hazards on the road will keep you safe. 

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Driving Safety Alternatives to Hair Claw Clips

While driving, hair claw clips are not the only safe alternative to keeping hair out of your face. In lieu of a hair tie, headband, or scrunchie, consider using a headband. In the event of a collision, these options will be less likely to come loose and pose a safety hazard. Alternatively, you can style your hair without any accessories by braiding it or putting it in a low ponytail. Whenever you are driving, safety should always be your number one priority.


  • Teddy Parker

    I am Teddy Parker, the owner of, where I share my passion for cars through expert guides and practical tips. With a deep love for the automotive world, I provide valuable insights to help drivers make the most of their vehicles. My goal is to offer clear and actionable advice that enhances both your driving experience and vehicle maintenance.

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